In India, People lack Proper nutrition, Right food to Eat, sufficient Food facilities and mental health support.
In India, People lack privacy, safe places to sleep, sufficient Medical facilities and mental health support.
In India, Children lack Education, places to Study, sufficient Schools for learning and mental support.
PRERNA is a non-profit, non-political and a non-government organization registered under Societies Registration Act – XXI of 1860 and engaged in social services with a primary focus on upliftment of the underprivileged children in India. We have been working since 2002 in Sanjay Colony at Bhatti Mines, Delhi and PRERNA was formally registered in 2006. Activities have diversified in the fields of non-formal education, formal school education, income generating skills, SHG formation, community health and awareness programmes on various social issues.
Prerna is registered under Societies Registration Act – XXI of 1860. Our organization is a non-profit voluntary organization, engaged in social services.
Our main objective is to improve the quality of life of the underprivileged and marginalized people. We are determined to replace their despair with hope, their fear with security, and their ignorance with knowledge. All of us, as members of the civil society, are responsible for the welfare of the people in need. We believe in working together for giving them the opportunity to have access to education, healthcare, sufficient & nutritious food, acquire skills for generating income, clean water and a pollution-free environment.
Humanity should be the nature of any human being. We are all equal and social
development is our right. Please help us and join a noble movement to protect our country.